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GaugeView Mobile Monitoring

Introducing the groundbreaking innovation from AIS Gauging, located in Terre Haute, IN – a pioneering smart-device application poised to revolutionize your operations. This cutting-edge app is believed to be the first of its kind, designed to continuously oversee critical process variables and the operational well-being of AIS gauges. It works tirelessly, issuing automatic alerts to key personnel the moment any issues surface.

Unveiling at ICEC USA 2021, this Cloud-based marvel, christened "GaugeView," is the culmination of AIS's commitment to total sensor measurement and seamless process control integration within your Industry 4.0/IIoT environments. This versatile app is compatible with smartphones, tablets, and various smart devices, ensuring you stay connected and informed. GaugeView tirelessly monitors your product measurement system's operational status, promptly notifying you if any process anomalies are detected. It empowers you to make real-time control adjustments, upholding product quality standards.

But that's not all – GaugeView goes above and beyond. It also maintains a watchful eye on your gauging system's health, tracking 16 vital variables for each measurement sensor in place. These variables are meticulously compared to preconfigured thresholds, and if any attribute deviates from its specifications, the app promptly issues a push-alert. Moreover, it excels at monitoring mechanical and electrical systems, aligning their usage with maintenance schedules and promptly notifying you when service is due.

John Young, President of AIS Gauging, asserts, "No other gauging system provider offers this level of comprehensive monitoring and support, ensuring peak product quality and system reliability. We conceived this app to empower our customers with secure, on-demand access to their process measurement and control system, regardless of location or time. Picture the peace of mind it bestows, knowing that your systems are under constant 24/7 surveillance, with both you and the AIS Support Services team instantly alerted to any potential issues." Experience the future of gauging with GaugeView Mobile Monitoring.

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